Our Research and Development Process

At Activ’Inside, our unwavering passion for innovation is the driving force behind our continuous development, propelling us to new heights and empowering our growth. This passion resonates throughout our organization, but it finds its strongest manifestation in our R&D department. Representing the beating heart of Activ’Inside, our dedicated R&D team tirelessly endeavours to advance our expertise, broaden our range of ingredients and extracts, and, above all, develop and substantiate the scientific arguments that underpin the efficacy of our products and support their commercialisation.

Our Vision

The shared vision of our R&D team at Activ’Inside plays a vital role in propelling the organization towards its goals. It aligns the team members, fosters collaboration, and establishes Activ’inside as a recognized standard of excellence. Through their commitment to scientific, industrial, and technological research quality, our team is paving the way for a brighter future in nutrition and well-being, both for the organization and the industry as a whole.

Efficacy and mechanism of action

At Activ’Inside, our R&D team recognizes the paramount importance of understanding the efficacy and mechanism of action of our products. This in-depth knowledge allows us to effectively communicate the unique benefits and selling points of our products to potential clients. We can explain the scientific rationale behind our products, address queries, and provide comprehensive information.

Our pharmaceutical-based logic ensures that our products meet the highest standards of scientific rigour, safety, and evidence-based practices. We delve deep into understanding how and why our products are effective, enabling us to validate claims and provide robust scientific support. We actively seek synergies between different molecules, resulting in unique combinations that exhibit enhanced efficacy or novel effects. These discoveries provide opportunities for patents, safeguarding our intellectual property and establishing a competitive advantage in the market.

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Our Team Structure

The trilateral structure of our R&D team ensures a focused and specialized approach to the research and development of our products and services. Each section within the team is responsible for a distinct aspect of our expertise, enabling us to delve deep into different domains and ensure comprehensive coverage.

Process/ Product/ Analysis

Our dedicated experts in the extraction process bring specialized knowledge, skills, and experience to ensure the efficiency, quality, and safety of the extraction operations. Their analytical expertise enables us to demonstrate the bioavailability of the ingredients we develop. This ensures that our products achieve their desired effects and meet the needs of our clients.

Objectification/ Analysis

We place a strong emphasis on the rigorous objectification of our products, and this commitment is reflected in our comprehensive approach to conducting not only clinical and preclinical studies but also epidemiological. We recognize the importance of going beyond the norm and incorporating epidemiological studies into our product evaluation as they provide valuable insights into the real-world impact of our products and their effectiveness on a broader scale.


We employ our expertise in the application of active ingredients to develop innovative galenic forms, with a particular focus on gummies. To support our research, we have established a dedicated application lab where our team works diligently to create and refine our formulations.

Our Values

The shared values of our R&D team play a pivotal role in shaping the outcome of our work. When team members are united by shared values, it promotes unity, collaboration, and trust motivating our team to combine their collective strengths, and strive for excellence. Some of the intrinsic values shared by our R&D team are;


Innovation at Activ’Inside stems from a dual tactic combining both a pull approach, driven by market demands, and a push approach fuelled by scientific curiosity and unmet needs.


The pull approach involves being market-driven and responding to customer demands, even if they may not always be clearly defined. At Activ’Inside innovation is often driven by understanding and addressing specific customer needs and requirements.


The push approach is driven by identifying opportunities and needs that are not yet addressed in the market. This involves being proactive and acting as a driving force for innovation. This could be inspired by scientific publications, where our team aims to push the boundaries and explore new possibilities based on interesting findings.

From the inception of Activ’Inside, our focus has been on creating something different and unique. The goal was to develop extracts that are thoroughly objectified and backed by a substantial scientific foundation. This emphasis on scientific rigor sets the company apart and aligns us more closely with biotech and pharmaceutical industries, where significant investments are made in Research and Innovation.

Our R&D process_ creating something different
Our R&D process, efficacy and mechanism of action

Investment in innovation here at Activ’Inside is substantial, with 15 to 20% of our turnover allocated to this purpose. It’s important to note that innovation goes beyond just Research and Development (R&D). It encompasses a broader scope, including improvements across various services within our company. This transversal approach ensures that innovation permeates all aspects of the organization. Activ’Inside’s commitment to a high level of investment in R&I reflects our dedication to pushing the boundaries of knowledge, developing innovative solutions, and setting new standards within the industry.


We are fortunate to count more than 20 partnerships and collaborations with both academic and industrial entities within our network. These collaborations enable our access to expertise and laboratories, drive research advancements, and facilitate networking and industry connections. Collaborating with academic institutions provides access to a wealth of knowledge, cutting-edge research, and subject matter experts. By partnering with renowned researchers and academics, we gain valuable insights, expanding our understanding of scientific developments and trends in relevant fields. Our partnerships enable us to stay at the forefront of innovation, enhance our market position, and grow in the nutrition and well-being industry


Validating an idea before it transitions from a concept to a project is crucial for ensuring its viability and alignment with the company’s goals. At Activ’Inside, we follow an internally developed validation process that includes an adapted Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale inspired by frameworks used by the European Commission and the US Army. This scale serves as a useful method for assessing the readiness of a project, evaluating its feasibility, risks, and potential impact. Additionally, we consider other key factors during the selection process, such as market potential, regulatory compliance in potential market areas, and the expected return on investment. Ideas that meet our selection criteria are deemed compatible for development, indicating that they have passed the initial validation stage and hold promise for further exploration.

Market Potential / Consumer Demand
Return on Investment

Tools and Technology

Our tools and technology are essential to our R&D activities, providing our team with essential resources for experimentation, data analysis, modelling and collaboration. The continuous advancement these tools contributes to the acceleration of scientific progress and drives innovation. Some examples of the R&D tools utilised by our team;

Subcritical water extraction unit

– 500m² extraction unit from 1L to 2500L

Analytical tools

In house:
– Spectrophotometers

Activ’Inside lab located at ISVV allowing AI access to the analytical platform at ISVV including NMR etc.

Software tools

– Statistics – In-house bio-statisticians

– Mathamatical modelling tools

Application lab

– 100m², furnished with all the necessary equipment enabling us to perform  pre-series on formulations, particularly gummies.

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