Premium Range
Private Label Food Supplements

Backed by Science
Distinctive Claims
Patented Ingredients
Consumer Approved

Why Work With Us?

Backed By Real Science, Regulatory Compliant & Consumer Approved
Premium label food supplements VS others

Activ’Inside’s premium range of private label food supplements reaps the benefits of our exclusive branded active ingredients. These consumer-approved supplements are enhanced by proprietary claims and backed by rigorous scientific research. Made in France, each of our premium private label food supplements is backed by a comprehensive dossier, encompassing detailed marketing support, regulatory compliance information, and scientific documentation. Our premium private label food supplements boast fast go-to-market solutions due to our low MOQs and our thorough support package includes regulatory services, ensuring your product stands out in the market. This combination delivers exceptional value and credibility, giving your product that extra competitive edge.

Health Benefits

Private label food suppelments dedicated to neuronutrition and nutricosmetics.

Activ’Inside’s premium private label food supplement range features products that incorporate our patented active ingredients specifically formulated for neuronutrition and nutricosmetics. These include Safr’Inside™, Skinax²™, and Belight³™, each designed to offer distinctive health benefits and superior quality.
By including these pantented active ingredients in our premium products, they benefit from the wealth of scientific support boasted by these ingredients.



Well-Being Nutrition

Premium range support file

Three Key Axes

Our premium private label food supplement range leverages our extensive scientific, marketing, and regulatory expertise to deliver exceptional products that are ready to launch. Each item in our premium range is supported by a meticulously compiled dossier, ensuring comprehensive documentation and support. This dossier includes detailed scientific research, strategic marketing insights, and thorough regulatory compliance information, all designed to help you launch your product with speed and ease.


A veritable treasure trove of marketing support, the information provided within the premium range support file outlines detailed market information and target profiles along with the principal selling points of the product in a attractive comprehensive manner, highlighting competative advantages and facilitating its communication to your consumers.


The scientific support for our products detailed in the file is second to none. The relevant information contained within includes details regarding pre clinical / clinical / real-world studies along with proprietary data of the mechanisms of action of the active ingredients. This information is crucial for the substantiation of health claims and ensuring your products credibility.

Regulations and Claims

Ensuring the product meets all relevant regulatory standards and guidelines this section details all the regulatory data needed for a successful product launch. This includes EFSA pending and validated health claims, detailed labeling information, and product safety data. Registration of the product is included for France and Belgium, ensuring the product is compliant and ready for market launch.

Check out our Private Label Service Bundles!

Our Private Label Solutions

Ready to launch your very own high-quality, made in France food supplement in just a few weeks? Our private label products are available as a ‘product only’ purchase or as part of one of our Private Label Service Packs.

Premium Catalogue

See the results
16 products

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