Our active ingredients

Nutraceutical ingredients backed by science and claims

Innovative and patented ingredients

Activ’inside offers differentiating active ingredients for food supplements dedicated to neuronutrition, nutricosmetics and wellbeing nutrition: Memophenol, Safr’Inside, Skinax², Belight³™, Hair’Inside™, ImprovD³™ and AiFlex’Inside™.
Discover our nutraceutical ingredients formulated for memory, stress & sleep,  wellbeing and beauty.

We use science

We use a unique and rigorous scientific approach at every stages of the ingredient development: patented analytical method and extraction process, knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of action, clinical studies, and demonstrated effectiveness through consumer tests. We deliver high-quality products with proven efficacy and consumer satisfaction.

Science Activ'inside

We meet consumers’ needs

These patented ingredients meet consumers’ needs with a strong level of science, claims, certifications (Vegan, Halal, Kosher, GMO-free …), and marketing tools.

organic nutraceutical ingredients
vegan nutraceutical ingredients
halal nutraceutical ingredients
kosher nutraceutical ingredients
GMO free nutraceutical ingredients
allergen free nutraceutical ingredients